you're welcome

you're welcome. a poem by megan.

Over 2022, I did my best to write a poem every day. My intention was this: celebrate people. I'd like to call the collection love poems for strangers. But maybe it's simply our common ground.

Here's what I'm learning as I review.

It's easy for me to celebrate the presence of a lizard or the late night rehearsal of a mockingbird. Humans, god love us, are so much less available. Even the shy lizards will hold with a gentle word. But humans... sometimes the more gentle we are, the faster someone will run. Not always. And I believe the integrity of our tenderness is what keeps us together. This was something I discovered as I watched and quietly praised my fellow people.

Here's a poem from among many. I'm grateful to my sister who is helping me read through so many. I have it narrowed down to 60. We'll see how many I share. This one is for you.

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